June 26, 2023
Augsburg – Congratulations at the German SME Summit:
Ranga Yogeshwar congratulates Moralt AG from Hausham on being awarded the TOP 100 seal. The awards ceremony took place on Friday, June 23rd for all companies that received the TOP 100 seal at the beginning of the year. The science journalist is accompanying the innovation competition, which is being held for the 30th time, as a mentor. In the scientific selection process, Moralt impressed in size class A, particularly in the “Innovation-promoting top management” category. The company is one of the top innovators for the second time.
The TOP 100 company portrait published on the occasion of the award states:
The medium-sized company based in Hausham, Bavaria, is a specialist in door blanks and door systems for functional wooden doors. Moralt is well established and internationally successful in this segment. This involves technical functions of doors, such as fire, smoke, sound and heat protection or burglary resistance. Numerous reference objects impressively demonstrate the possibilities of processing companies as contractual partners of Moralt. In order to promote a positive innovation climate, the Executive Board and Supervisory Board issue shares to employees. This promotes personal identification and strengthens motivation. Every employee has the freedom to pursue new ideas. This means that new products are constantly emerging on the market, which are also reflected in some patents. “Innovation within increasingly rapidly changing markets is a very important factor for us,” emphasizes CEO Klaus Feile. The long-standing network with cooperation partners makes innovation work easier. A short reaction time is important: current developments are discussed daily and suggestions from employees are implemented promptly.
The full portrait can be found here:
TOP 100: the competition
For 30 years, compamedia has been awarding the TOP 100 seal for special innovative strength and above-average innovation success to medium-sized companies. Since 2002, the scientific management has been in the hands of Prof. Dr. Nicholas Franke. Franke is the founder and director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. TOP 100's mentor is science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar. Project partners are the Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research and the BVMW. The magazines manager magazin and impulse accompany the company comparison as media partners, ZEIT for entrepreneurs is a cooperation partner. More information at
Moralt AG, Obere Tiefenbachstraße 1, D-83734 Hausham